All about smart gardens or organic gardens

smart garden

At present they are very fashionable intelligent gardens or the organic garden. And it is that they combine two concepts that are constantly in our day to day: ecology and Artificial Intelligence.

Make a smart garden It requires planning that is different from that of a conventional garden. The difference is that the former have a focus eco-friendly and use recycled materials. You want to know more? We explain everything to you in this article.

It is possible that at some point you have wanted to make your own garden but, taking into account that conventional gardening requires time and care, as well as an appropriate space, you may have left an unfinished project. A smart garden it gives you many facilities.

What are smart gardens or ecological gardens?

They are those who control remotely using a mobile, Tablet or other electronic devices. You just have to program the appropriate instructions to control it without the need to be present.

This is made possible by new technologies, through a simple home automation controller that allows you to program tasks so that they can be executed on their own, without the need for you to be present.

Advantages of smart gardens or organic gardens

These types of gardens can give you many satisfactions, such as the following:

  1. Grow your aromatic plants in a simple way, those that you like so much to add to your meals, or to decorate dishes and have your own mini garden if you like to become chefs from time to time.
  2. The satisfaction of saying that you have grown it yourself and it is not herbs or vegetables bought.
  3. Avoid headaches, because hardly requires maintenance. You just have to verify that everything works fine, once you have connected.
  4. A great quality is that fits into little space, even to mini spaces. This is an advantage for those who live in a studio or small apartment. The most basic models occupy the same space as that of a medium pot. So it is likely that you only need a countertop or a wide shelf to place it.
  5. For larger spaces you may need of vertical designs, but thanks to them you can have vegetable corners, such as in the living room or dining room.
  6. Its objective is to grow plants in your home, without need to do a minimum of maintenance.
  7. Automated irrigation means using the necessary water. If it has rained, the system will postpone watering. In addition, the lighting is adjustable, it will automatically turn on and off according to your needs.
  8. If you have never mowed the lawn, the automated lawnmower will do that great job.
  9. These gardens have security cameras that will notify you if an intruder enters or the system presents a fault.

How to make a garden smart or organic garden

There are a variety of accessories and tools that make it possible automate a garden. Let's see the main ones.

Smart garden or organic garden

Automatic watering

You can schedule it at a certain time, but what if it rains? The system of these gardens is equipped with rain and humidity sensors, which means that they will be activated according to the weather conditions that exist.

water detection

The system of these gardens is capable of determine whether or not there is enough water. This is achieved thanks to the integration of ultrasonic sensors that allow its monitoring.

automated lawn mower

You will not have to worry about mowing the grass, you will save time and effort. The system will do it automatically and optimally. You will have no more overgrown grass, it will be cut quickly and efficiently. You won't have to worry about your weeds.

smart farming

There are intelligent machines that act in the planning, control and management of food crops. It will depend on the seeds you use to know which care to apply. There's a programmed software to do this job and its operation depends on a aplicación móvil.

automated awnings

There are other devices that facilitate automated garden maintenance. An example of this are the automated awnings who take care of the plants as if it were a greenhouse.

Other accessories

These gardens equipped with smart lighting, have sensors in light bulbs, lighting fixtures and lamps. What they do is activate when someone passes by, generate efficient consumption, have a voice assistant, speakers and an intelligent sound system. In addition, it has bells and smart cameras.

Types of smart gardens or ecological garden

Smart garden or organic garden

There are several types of these gardens and you can find them very complete with lots that include pots, sensors and light. In addition, it has its application so that you can control everything yourself. You can acquire sensors and insert them into the soil that you already have prepared. This is a good option for those who already have a garden, but want it to be efficient.

They are useful automatic watering, which thanks to its versatility can be located where you need it most.

The all-in-one for your smart garden or organic garden

They are the most complete gardens and the best alternative if you are starting out or want to enter the world of home automation. Sometimes you will find the hydroponic gardens, which are those that do not use soil, the nutrition of the plant is received directly by its roots. It is an alternative if you do not like to see soil scattered everywhere, especially inside the house.

If you have a conventional one and you want it to be intelligent

If you already have a garden, with its prepared soil and pots, you may prefer to provide them with some separate sensors. Or perhaps you opt for an automatic irrigation system that can cover more ground.

The individual sensors have the same function as the ones in the smart gardens. You just have to place it on the ground and synchronize it with your mobile through its application. Once connected, you will have available the information you are looking for about your plants, such as humidity, temperature and nutrients.

The versatility of these sensors is one of their advantages, because you can move them wherever you want. Regarding the irrigation system, there are several types to choose from and it will be very useful because it will allow you to forget about watering the plants yourself. You must choose an intelligent model, there are some that receive weather data. The installation is very simple and allows us to control many parameters,

If you love nature, these smart gardens or ecological orchards they are made for you.

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